So you think you have what it takes to compete???

The New Jersey State Barbecue Championship is an extremely popular competition on the barbecue circuit. As one of the oldest competitions on the East Coast,  with our great seashore location, what else would you expect?  Each year we develop a  waiting list of teams wishing to compete.

In order to maintain the highest level of competition, while allowing opportunity for new teams to compete against the best, we have developed an entry system where the top 1/3 (NEW FOR 2019) of the overall placing teams of the previous year are invited back and the remaining teams, as well as the new requests compete in a drawing for the remaining spaces.  See the “how to enter page” for more information on the drawing and a box to request an application.  You are reminded that this list is cleared annually so you have to sign up each year to continue to be in on the annual drawing.  By putting your name on the mailing list we eliminate any typo errors.   If you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask by sending an email to   Please keep in mind that we check the email infrequently during the winter months and around the first of March start checking it weekly and as we come closer to the event, daily.

Please keep in mind that the staff of the NJBBQ is comprised of all volunteers and are doing our best to keep up with the large demand for information about the event.

Remember to use the email address for competitor questions only there are other email addresses on other pages for different items.

Maybe you have what it takes to be the next New Jersey State Barbecue Champion!!!